As a high school teacher I often here people bemoan the decline of human civilization; they base this misguided rant on the next generation–my students.  While I will not disagree that behavior overall has declined, I find it unconscionable that society place the blame on kids.  Schools, and therefore kids, are only a reflection of society; and when society is rude, gratuitous, violent, and without a moral compass it has an effect on kids.  Often I find the behavior of adults to be petty, cliquish, selfish, and without thought–these are the same accusations thrown at kids. 

The Quakers have a belief called the Doctrine of the Inner Light.  They believe that God is present inside of everyone and he speaks to everyone, if they listen.  The basis of this belief is John 1:9:

9 The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world

The Quakers became early supporter of the abolition movement because of this doctrine.  If we all have God present in us, how can we subject people or call them inferior? 

It is when we refuse to listen to this Inner Light that you find people acting in ways that induce the aforementioned bemoaning.  We all have a tremendous capacity to do great good and to do great evil, but the choice is left to us.  God has given us the ears to hear, but do we listen?

Some times it feels like my two years of teaching has almost jaded me, almost; but kids bless my life in the most amazing ways.  Sometimes I get a note from a kid thanking me for helping them or I have an entire period that is so caring that it feels like family or I have kids offering to watch my daughter because they think that my wife and I need to go on a date.  I have hope for humanity because of the kids that I get to share my day with everyday.  Here is an example:

Out of the blue one of my students from last semester emailed me a picture he took of my daughter at a basketball game.  I received this just as I arrived in Virginia to spend time with my father.  I responded to his email, telling him why I was not in school–my father was very sick–and to thank him for his thoughtfulness.  Here is the reply that I received:

wow, that’s tough. i knew something was going on but i wasn’t completely sure. My grandmother just died due to cancer as well, and my grandpa just got diagnosed, with a few months to live so i can only imagine how you feel. But you have to look at death not as a bad thing, but a celebration of a wonderful life. and if your Dad is half the man that you are i know he must be great and at complete peace with himself.
i’m sorry to hear that, stay strong.
ill see you when your back and i’m sure everyone else will be happy to see you as well

This is why I have hope in humanity; A kid that I had just met nine months ago spoke wisdom into my life while I was in pain with elegance and sincerity.  Don’t tell me that kids have no respect and do not care about anything; too often we focus on what bothers us, what annoys us.  We do not spend the time to listen to what is inside of us all, this light that can guide us.

When I started teaching I jokingly told my wife that I will only keep teaching if just one kid gives me hope; I guess I am teaching again next year!  God has blessed me through my work; it cannot be any more clear to me.  Thank you to all my kids that have spoke truth and wisdom into my life.  Fear not adults, you have blessed me as well; but that is a topic for another post.