While perusing reddit, I found this gem about parental myths that parents would never tell you:

Parents check in to see how their child is sleeping
Parents “check in” on their kids every so often during nap or night time. As an outsider, you think that it is simply to see how the child is doing and is an act of love. In actuality, it is to see if the kid is dead or not breathing. The relief gained from having a not-dead child is priceless.


Sara actually choked on her pumpkin scone after reading this. I cannot count the times my wife has told me to be quiet, she needed to hear Bradie. After making smell-the-fart face, she would be relieved her child was still breathing. Did I mention that moms have a reflex that causes them to hit anything making sounds when they feel this instinct?

Postscript The pumkin scones are tasty, enjoy moms of Tuesday.