You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 19, 2007.

NyQuil–DayQuil as well–removes my brain from my skull and shakes it, just a little bit; how people become dependent on it is beyond my comprehension. It appears the three weeks I spent in Virginia have caught up to my body as I have been sick for almost two weeks. Should you ever get sick with a head cold, let me expound on the benefits: your wife/husband/partner/pony will sleep on the couch just to escape your coughing; your coughing will only flair up at night just to spite you; people will look at you, pause, and then tell you to take a nap…because they care; and you begin to wonder what pneumonia fells like.

And this blog would not be complete without a Sara quote uttered not two seconds ago:

It is 11 o’clock; you need to either get in bed or get out of my living room!

About Me

I enjoy not eating ketchup, trying to remember quotes from Sam the Eagle, and trying to dissuade my daughter from playing soccer–it steals your soul. When I am not pursuing these questionably Sisyphean pursuits, I am a father, husband, and teacher. Should you want to learn more about me I suggest reading my blog–if only you could find it.
June 2007

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