You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 20, 2008.

…who’ll stop the rain.  I woke up yesterday with some awesome tooth pain.  After calling my oncologist to make sure I could get dental work, calling my dentist to make an emergency appointment, and going in for a blood draw to check my blood cell levels; the consensus is that my body does not like me right now.  All of this hither-tither resulted in my first–and I hope last–root canal.  

If you look at my previous post about teeth (link) you will understand that there is a strong theological connection between failing teeth and falling humans.  I am baffled that no theologian of note has used this metaphor; when the old has gone and the new has come (II Corinthians 5:17), I am looking forward to new teeth.  There is an interesting book by an Anglican theologian named N.T. Wright called Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Ressurection, and the Mission of the Church that examines what happens when we die.  Wright, from what I gather so far, believes that we will be resurrected and have new bodies; I am excited to have perfect teeth and both my testicles–hmm, would I need testicles after being resurrected?  Despite my degression, I think my point is valid: the metaphor of failing teeth illustrates the human condition.  It is not until we recognize the weakness of our teeth–admitting we cannot fix them and we need help–that we need something to heal them–the dentist.  If I was not tired I am sure I could fit grace into the haphazard exegesis, but for now I am satisfied that this is my rough draft.  

Tomorrow my root canal will be completed and Thursday I will have my last chemotherapy treatment.  Over the last month and a half I have made up for all the times I have not gone to the doctor or the dentist; I should be good for a while.  I am not sure how my wife does it; she has basically three children to take care of and she still manages to wake up everyday.  Thank you Sara for loving your husband; you deserve a pony or a monkey.

About Me

I enjoy not eating ketchup, trying to remember quotes from Sam the Eagle, and trying to dissuade my daughter from playing soccer–it steals your soul. When I am not pursuing these questionably Sisyphean pursuits, I am a father, husband, and teacher. Should you want to learn more about me I suggest reading my blog–if only you could find it.
May 2008

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